On the Ball in the Work Place

I sit at my desk pretty much all day long.  I try to take a walk or two around the place, up and down some stairs, and outside and around the building each day, but it’s just not enough.  Someone suggested I try sitting on one of those big exercise balls.  So I brought Simon’s big pink pony ball (http://blueridgepony.wordpress.com/2011/12/16/the-big-pink-ball/) into work and gave it a go.

Not bad.

But, it was WAY too short.  I felt like I was sitting on the floor and had to reach up to type on my keyboard.

As soon as I switched back to my nice comfy rolly chair, I punched up Amazon.com and found a ‘desk ball’ for $13 and it arrived in the mail a few days later.

I brought it into work and promptly broke the hand pump that came with it.  But with a little help from my friends we were able to get it blown up using an air compressor.

I spent the rest of my day proudly perched on my ball, with a break to sit in my chair during lunch.

I am hoping it helps build up some core muscle while I do nothing but sit.  I do tend to wiggle around on it, making ‘I have to pee’ and hula dance motions, which is sort of entertaining.

It is rather difficult to get on and off of and still be pulled up squarely in front of my computer though.  And I hate to be off center, it’s just bad feng shui for the body!

Keeping with the trend of work place humor we maintain around here, I forwarded the photo below (of yours truly) to my boss, who is still out of town.  I informed him that I am “staying on the ball” but that I needed to let him know that “we are experiencing a shortage of chairs at the moment, but I think I have that worked out now too.”

Wow, my desk looks really messy and boring in this photo.  I do have a few pictures, some mini airplane toys and a stock pile of oxygen providing plants that are out of view in it.

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