Banana Oat “Cookies”

May 6, 2013

I have been making these banana oat “cookies” for a few weeks now and feel I have perfected the recipe, so its time to share.
They are pretty darn healthy, and might not really justify the name cookie, but they sure can be addictive like cookies! The recipe is also super alterable so you can mess around and come up with your own combinations for variety.

I started out making these with just bananas, apple sauce, oats and cinnamon and they were great. But they are even better with the added ingredients.

Necessary base ingredients:
6 ripe bananas
1 1/2-2 1/2 cups natural apple sauce (no sugar added)
3-5 cups old fashion oats

Suggested additional ingredients:
1 TB honey
Cinnamon to taste (I used a little less than an 1/8 cup)
1 tea vanilla
1/8 cup (give or take to taste) sunflower seeds
1/8 cup (give or take to taste) diced or chopped walnuts
1/8 cup (give or take) mini chocolate chips
1/8 cup (give or take) peanut butter chips
Handful raisins and or cranberries

-Peel the bananas, put them in a mixing bowl and mash them up.
-Pour in the apple sauce and stir. I went heavy on the apple sauce.
-Add the honey, vanilla and cinnamon and stir. I put in a lot of cinnamon, you should probably start with less and add more to taste.
-Add the oats a little at a time and stir to combine. I went heavy on the oats.
-Add in the sunflower seeds, walnuts, raisins, cranberries, chocolate chips and peanut butter chips and stir to combine. I went light on the chocolate and peanut butter chips.
-Put in the fridge for an hour or so.
-Scoop spoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet, just like you would with cookies. The consistency is not as sticky as cookie batter, but having it cool in the fridge helps.
-Bake in a preheated oven at 400degrees for 10-15 minutes. Allow to cool, and the pop onto the counter.

The finished cookie is soft and chewy and not very cookie like. The chocolate and peanut butter add bursts of flavor but should be kept to a minimum. The sunflower seeds and walnuts add texture that is very appealing.

I love these cookies and have shared them at work to approval. My husband says he can’t stop eating them and to please put them away.

*Do not store in an airtight container. A paper lunch bag or a plate in the fridge is best. Try to eat within the first few days of making them. Because of the high moisture level and fresh ingredients, they tend to get funky if left sealed up in warm places too long.

I did not get good photos of them, nor does the finished product look that great. But they taste great.

2013-05-05 19.44.09

In the process of mixing the ingredients up.

2013-05-06 17.03.29

2013-05-06 17.03.35

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1 Comment

  1. Sam

     /  May 6, 2013

    Michelle makes these all the time, too! I enjoy them, even though I’m not exactly bananas for bananas normally. 🙂


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