Phunky Bitches

January 29, 2013

Back about a decade plus ago, I was a member of a very unique and odd group of mostly ladies, the Phunky Bitches.  Derived and named for the fan base of the band, Phish, and joined by members of the counter culture that encompasses many similar bands, the group was designed to unite like minded women.  It was a way to network with other women who would be attending the same functions, and develop a sort of protective group within a mostly male populace.  Ideally, if you were planning to attend a show, you could meet up with, travel with, and even room with, other girls in the network, and find a safe haven.

The PBs also created a safe place for women to discuss deep situations, feelings, changes and a slew of other personal and also not so personal topics.  Often fun and light, with swapping of recipes and sewing tips, discussions ran rampant.  Close friendships were developed, many still standing.

My closest PB friend, Niki, lived in North Carolina and I in northern Virginia when we met, but we managed to go on several tours, and to an outstanding amount of shows and adventures together.  We stayed in touch as each other moved and shared exciting life experiences.  She even made it up for a few days for my wedding.  Sadly Niki departed the world a little more than a year ago, and I still think of her very often.

Although Niki was by far my closest PB friend, I am still in touch with other PBs, and love hearing updates on their lives and sharing my own in return.

Over the weekend I was cleaning out my file cabinet and ran across my Laminates from oh so many years ago.  They made me smile ear to ear.  Official laminates, printed and prepared by a production company and numbered boldly on the back, PBs wore their laminates at shows, to help identify each other.  I found my 2000 and 2003 laminate clipped together with some old volunteer and band passes to festivals and stuffed in a bag full of old wrist bands.

Good memories.


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